Passover, Pesach in Hebrew, commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, and their journey from slavery to freedom. It is the most significant of the commemorative holidays, for it celebrates the very inception of the Jewish people— the event which provided the basis for the covenant between God and the Israelites.
Passover is celebrated for either seven or eight days, depending on family and communal custom. In Israel and for most Reform Jews around the world, Passover is seven days, but for many other Jews, it is eight days,. On these days, bread or other leavened mixtures, are prohibited, and only unleavened bread, called matzah, may be eaten. The matzah symbolizes both the Hebrews’ suffering while in bondage and the haste with which they left Egypt. Passover is also sometimes called the Festival of Unleavened Bread.
A Haggadah is used as a guide to the entire Passover Seder. The word Haggadah comes from the same root as “to tell” in Hebrew. The Haggadah helps us retell the events of the Exodus, so that each generation may learn and remember this story that is so central to Jewish life and history. The Haggadah includes prayers, instructions, explanations, ideas for further reflection and songs. Your choice will set the tone for the Seder and there are many to choose from.
If you’re going to have a big crowd of kids, you might like a Haggadah that tells the Passover story with cartoons, the Kveller Haggadah, or brand new Haggadah that was printed by PJ LIbrary. Our very own Rabbi Shalhevet grew up using the Coloring Book Haggadah. She says it was a family favorite. It’s the perfect Haggadah for a young child (or restless adult).
Want a less traditional Haggadah? Try the HIAAS Haggadah, Ma’yan Haggadah, 30 Minute Seder or this website that’s full of interesting options.
Or if you’re hosting a crowd in their 20s and 30s, Jewbelong’s fun and slightly irreverent take on the holiday might be perfect.
Ready to host a Seder?
You might find this checklist helpful to make sure you don’t forget the basics. If you are looking to switch things up here are 10 Tips for Planning a Memorable Seder.
There are so many ways to make your Seder even more memorable. What could be more beautiful then a bouquet of flowers or a festive table?

Passover is a big food holiday, with many traditional foods and one big “don’t.” The don’t is bread or any leavened food. That leaves lots of other foods to eat though, starting with matzah — which includes matzah balls, matzah brei, matzah kugel… you get the picture. Hard boiled eggs, green herbs dipped in saltwater, horseradish and matzah and charoset sandwiches help us experience the Passover story.
Why are these nights different than others? Cooking for Passover can be a bit of a challenge since there are rules about what is eaten (or not eaten) during the holiday. While each family may have their own traditions, there are lots of websites that can help you to prepare everything.
Joan Nathan, a Jewish food legend and cookbook has shared recipes for some of her favorites including Fluffy Matzo Balls and Ancient Chocolate Cake .
Cookbook author Susie Fishbein shares updated Passover recipes (including matzah ball soup) along with creative ideas for setting the table and getting your guests involved.
And if you think there’s no baking, think again! You can make the gourmet desserts found in Epicurious Magazine or matzah toffee or even delicious Passover Popovers. If you find yourself struggling to come up with something for lunch, you might was to try topping off some matzah in a new way.
Don’t fret if you have a fussy eater. Vegetables are served at almost every meal during Passover—-it’s most vegetarians favorite holiday. And there are easy ways to make a vegan Seder plate.
One of the big moments in the Seder is the singing of the Four Questions. Traditionally sung by the youngest person at the table, the Four Questions are an important part of the telling of the Passover story at the Seder. Jason Menches has recorded a video that you can sing along with if you need a refresher on the 4 Questions.
There are also tons of games and crafts and more crafts that can keep kids busy and happy during Passover.
Here’s a great story to get you started:
The Little Red Hen and The Passover Matzah
There are playlists will get everyone into a festive mood.
Or listen to the Seder in song (there’s a tune for every step of the way).
The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology tells the Passover story in a very new way …by breakdancing and the Batsheva Dance Company perform a breathtaking modern dance to a the tune of the Passover classic, Echad Mi Yodea.
This review of the Batsheva dancers gives an interesting insight into the choreagrphy:
”The repetitive sitting, standing, and shaking evokes davening in synagogue. The piles of thrown clothing suggest photographs from the Holocaust. The dancers toil through the choreography and their struggle could be read as a historical homage to the building of Israel. When the choreographer decided to change the movement, one dancer did not hear the instructions and fell as before. His error was incorporated into the dance.”
Don’t forget to get dressed for the holiday!
You might try a Stylish apron, Passover Leggings, Haggadah earrings, or Funny T-Shirts. There are even Matzah Mouse Ears!
Want to find our even more? Check out this YouTube playlist. It’s filled with videos for all your Passover needs!